Keep your cash and cards secure with this durable leather wallet. Stash your stuff in style and never worry about losing your essentials again.
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Leather Wallet
Sale price$25.00 USD
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Keep your cash and cards secure with this durable leather wallet. Stash your stuff in style and never worry about losing your essentials again.
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handbags selected with love, by a playful mom and daughter duo
Top-notch support
Drop us a line on phone, email, insta, or FB! We're always here to dish out answers.
Call us at 516-223-1977 tuesday - saturday 10am to 5PM
Lets Bag It IRL
come visit us at our physical store at 2203 Merrick Rd in Merrick, NY!
Store Hours
Tuesday-Friday 10-5:30
Saturday 10-5
Sunday 12-5
Monday - Open select days, check instagram for holiday hours!